Life is hard.

Laugh harder.

If you want to know about upcoming shows, projects or classes sign up with your email here!

Upcoming Shows

Join me at my monthly show where I get to present some of the best comics in town and headline =)

This is a very special Halloween version of my game show! It will be awesome.

My four week class takes place 1-4pm every Saturday in November. SOLD OUT

Great small theatre show with an always sold out crowd!

This is my show, baby! Watch some of the best Bay Area stand-ups perform and then I get to headline =)

Saturday, Nov. 23rd Don't Tell Comedy, San Francisco 

I can't tell you anything yet. Shhhh.

Tuesday, Nov. 26th GET IT!? comes to The Throckmorton in Mill Valley, CA

My stand-up comedy game show hits the road...well, we go across the bridge.

Wednesday, Nov. 27th GET IT!? Returns to Cobbs Comedy Club, San Francisco

My stand-up comedy game show returns for a very thankful, very grateful to get away from the family, Thanksgiving special!


I invite a heckler on stage

I think this was recorded in 2010 at the world famous Punch Line in San Francisco.

From my storytelling show Previously secret information

When a gig goes bad.

Do you know why I pulled you over?

A little something about me...

Joe is a square peg in a round hole sort of guy. Raised a midwesterner, so he has manners, but living in San Francisco for more than 30 years, so he thinks he's better than you.
Joe does two things great — tells stories and talks to the crowd.

Joe currently runs two monthly shows in San Francisco. At Cobbs Comedy Club, his game show, “Get It!?” is becoming the next big thing. At The Punch Line, Joe Klocek & Friends, is his chance to show off new talent to audiences and headline.

Joe had a two month "comic in residency" at the first comedy club in Shanghai, China.

Joe has been featured on NPR's, "Snap Judgement" and has also appeared on Comedy Central's "Live at Gotham," NBC's "Last Comic Standing," and was commentator for the Emmy award winning documentary, "A Bridge So Far."

Joe has also been a runner-up in the "San Francisco International Comedy Competition" and the "Seattle Comedy Competition." 

Voted "Best Comic" in the 2011 SF Weekly Readers Poll.

Stand-Up Comedy Classes

In 2024, Joe began teaching a four week class on writing, performing and navigating stand-up comedy for people curious about starting out. If you have wanted to try stand-up but also wanted some direction first, Joe's class is a great place to start. 

For more information on the classes, location and cost, click the link bellow. If you still have questions, feel free to send Joe an email. He is happy to answer your questions.



A Stand-Up Comedy Game Show

GET IT!? is one part stand-up and one part game show with Joe Klocek as the host. This show happens monthly at Cobbs Comedy Club in San Francisco, CA. 

How does it work? A comic performs their set. Next, Joe draws three names from audience members that signed up to be possible contestants and invites them on stage. Joe asks them questions about the comic's set they just watched. The first contestant to answer five questions correct wins the round. Sounds easy, right?

There are two rounds and then the winners of those rounds face off against each other to determine the winner!

It is fun, fast-paced and driven by Joe's ability to riff with the contestants and audience. Check it out!

Blah Blah Blog

Pocket Miracle

July 14, 2024


We’re leaving Walnut Creek and the BART starts to slow down. Then, it stops and the conductor comes on the loudspeaker and says “Don’t worry. We will start moving again in just a moment.” Ugh. 

The lights go off. The air goes off. That hum you always hear goes off. Does my BART train have to reboot?

That would be fine but the guy two rows ahead of me sitting in the seats that face you who is also nodding out, comes to. “Why are we stopping?”

He asks this in a nervous, anxious voice.

I tell him, “I don’t know.”

He stands up and starts saying “No! No! No!” He looks out the window at cars going by, looks at the dark train car again then back at me, and asks, “Are you the devil? Are you here now? Can we make a deal again?”

In my head, I’m thinking, again!

Do I go along with a drug addict’s delusion and pretend to be the devil or do I try to calm him down?

And then I remember, I have a pocket full of glitter and rhinestones. I brought it to throw at a friend’s wedding a few weeks ago. Then I put it in my jeans left pocket to throw for a ceremony at a rehab. I was just on stage in Walnut Creek and used some there.

I still have a small handful of glitter left.

I fixed my eyes on the man, stood up, and said, “I am the opposite of the devil…” as I threw a handful of the chunky glitter in the air between us.

He stumbles back a few feet, mouth open and eyes very wide unable to speak. Just then, the train comes back on, too. He falls back into the seat he was just sitting in less than 20 seconds ago and promptly nods out again.

I left the train car in case he woke again. You can only pull that sort of pocket miracle off once in a lifetime.

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A Solo Show

Joe has been working on turning his 30+ years of being a stand-up comic and storyteller into a solo show.  A stand-up audience gets to hear the punch lines. A solo show audience hears about all the tragedy and brutal beauty it took to make them. From car accidents, missed opportunities, brushes with fame, love lost and love found, the life of a comic on the road is a story the audience deserves to hear about. Stay tuned.

Contact Joe

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